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Maximum Profits From Plr

             “Content Is King”

If you have been in internet marketing for any amount of time you have probably heard 

this expression numerous times. The power of great content is huge. Great content will 

attract visitors, search engine spiders and ultimately potential customers.

Depending on your business model (i.e. the specifics of how you translate visitors to 

your website in to cash) the content could be in any of the following formats:

• Articles

• RSS Feeds

• Blog Posts

• EMail Newsletters

• Free Reports

• Paid eBooks

• PodCasts

• Videos


          The Content Challenge

While great content is obviously an essential component to your online business, it is 

one of the many things that you, as a successful online entrepreneur, need to do. For 

many people, especially those starting out, the sheer size of these to-do lists are often 

daunting and the constant need for quality content increases the pressure even more! 

A website or blog needs a continuos supply of fresh articles to keep both the Search 

Engine spiders and Human Visitors happy. If you are selling eBooks or other forms of 

packaged content then it stands to reason that you can make more money if you have 

more than one product on sale.

However, all is not lost as there is an effective short cut available: Private Label Rights 


           Private Label Rights Material

The easiest way to describer Private Label Rights (or PLR) material is to think of it as an 

“unbranded” product. PLR material is sold so that you can add your brand (your name 

or your pen-name) and claim rights as the author or creator of the material in question.

PLR materials come in a wide range of formats from raw text articles to complete 

websites including a product to sell. In between these two extremes you can buy PLR 

video and audio content as well as PLR ebooks and content you can preload in to a 

membership site. 

Primary Benefits of Private Label Rights

There are many excellent reasons for investing in PLR material but probably the biggest 

advantages are speed & cost savings. Purchasing a well researched and well put 

together PLR product is the fastest way to create a product: the hard work of research 

and content creation has been done for you. Equally, buying a limited edition PLR 

product is far cheaper than hiring a freelancer to create an outsourced product for you. 

How To Buy Private Label Rights Material

While buying PLR material is a great time saver there are a few things to take into 

consideration. The first is the type of licence offered by the PLR vendor. Ideally you 

want to find a vendor that sells a restricted number of copies of any given material and 

that the PLR material is sold with “Non-Transferable” or “Private Use” rights. 

This means that the purchaser can use the material and brand it as their own but cannot 

turn around and simply resell the material with PLR rights. Both of these stipulations

serve to limit the total number of copies of the content you are purchasing.

While there is a lot of confusion and conflicting theories and opinions about Google’s 

alleged “Duplicate Content Penalty” it makes sense that the fewer copies of the material

in circulation the less chance your customers will have of seeing exactly the same 

content with someone else’s name on it!

The next issue big issue is the quality of the content being purchased. Ideally you want 

to ensure that the content is recent (this is especially important in niches that are either 

fast moving such as the Internet Marketing niche), that it has been reliably and 

accurately researched and that it is well written and grammatically correct - after all this 

material will be carrying your name and brand and you don’t want to have a reputation 

for low quality content do you?


                  PLR To Avoid

Taking on board the points already raised there are two good guidelines to adhere to 

when purchasing PLR material. The first is that generally you get what you pay for, so 

avoid those “10 Billion PLR Articles For 99c” special offers you may occasionally see on 

ebay and other cheap outlets. 

Equally PLR is best bought when it is new and fresh. This means you can normally get 

          Using Private Label Rights Content

Now that you understand the concept of PLR products and how to purchase the right 

source materials it is time to consider how to put the materials to use in your online 


As mentioned at the beginning of this report, “Content Is King!” So having purchased a 

PLR product you now need to put it to good use. In the following sections we’ll be 

looking at a range of specific uses for good quality PLR material but, before that, I want 

to share a key strategy which will allow you to maximise the return on your investment 

in any PLR material you purchase.

You see, while you have full rights to immediately add your name to any PLR material 

purchased and republish it as yours, it is highly likely that the majority of people who 

purchase the same material will do just that. A better strategy is to invest a small 

amount of time to modify the PLR material and make it unique to you.

This can be done simply and quickly by either extending the material (for example by 

adding an introduction or a conclusion) or by editing and rewriting 20% of the content to 

give it your personal touch.

          Newsletter Content

While some people proclaim “the money is in the list” it is probably more accurate to say 

that the money is in your relationship with your subscribers. A great way to build both 

the relationship and a debt of reciprocity is to give fantastic (high value) content in your 

email newsletters and auto-responder sequences. PLR material is ideal for this as you 

can quickly and easily take a pack of relevant PLR articles and repackage them as 

       content in you newsletters.

recent PLR material in active and vibrant market places (check out the Warrior Special 

Offers section on the WarriorForum.com) but you should be cautious when signing up to 

a site that boasts a vault with 1000s of PLR products as these will most likely have been 

accrued over time and thus have a diminished value to you.

eCourse Content

A great way of establishing yourself as an expert in any given niche is to offer a free

eCourse (literally a series of lessons delivered electronically) on the subject area. To 

create an instant eCourse you could either link a series of PLR articles on a central 

theme or purchase a PLR ebook and break down the chapters in to the daily or weekly 

                   eCourse modules.

While the label “eCourse” may sound off putting we’re not talking about preparing 

comprehensive lesson plans for an undergraduate class - a simple eCourse module 

could be an article showing a key “How To” or part of a sequence of tips (for example 

“10 Ways To Improve Your Poker Skills”) with each tip being delivered sequentially by 


Podcast Content

Podcasts can be seen as an audio blog. So while you could post your PLR articles to 

your blog you could read your PLR articles in to a microphone, record them and bang: 

instant podcast. 

Podcasting is a great way of establishing yourself in a market due to the popularity of 


podcasts and the relative imbalance between the small number of people making 

podcasts versus the huge audience looking for audio or multimedia content. And as 

subscribers listen to your voice they will build an imagined relationship with you far 

faster than if they were simply reading your content in a blog. 

Another big advantage of podcasts is that you are frequently communicating with your 

audience when they are away from their computers. While your email newsletter has 

potentially hundreds (if not thousands) of competitors in their inbox, you are unlikely to 

find huge competition on their iPod or other MP3 device.

                     Print Newsletters

Taking your PLR purchases and delivering it offline is another innovative way of 

repurposing the material and reaching out to your audience in a non-competitive 

medium. Ten years ago postal inboxes where inundated with promotional material 

where as email inboxes where scarcely used for marketing purposes. 

Today the reverse is true. With a huge range of Print-On-Demand (POD) technologies 

available it is now easier than ever to collate your PLR material into a print newsletter. 

This can either be given away (and financed by selling advertising space or by filling the 

advertising with products for which you are paid an affiliate commission) or it can be on 

a paid subscription basis.

                     Video Marketing

In the last 2 years online video has exploded! YouTube is now the second most popular 

Search Engine online and in countless surveys users have responded that video is the 

preferred medium for receiving information.

Similar to the podcasting idea mentioned previously. You could take a PLR article and 

break it down to a series of key points. Adding these key points to a Microsoft 

PowerPoint or Apple Keynote presentation and recording this presentation with an 

audio voice over is a great way of quickly creating a content-rich video from your PLR 


With video training products having a higher perceived value than eBooks you could 

either give away the video content to build loyalty and reciprocity with your audience or 

create a sequence of content videos for a high value product.    


    Hi      Two High Value Physical Products

Despite the prevalence of digital products, physical products delivered in print or on 

CD/DVD are still considered to be of higher value. With this in mind why not combine 

several of the previously mentioned ideas and produce a full multimedia product. 

You can archive all your PLR based audio podcasts and create a high value CD or 

Audio Book. A trip to your high street bookstore or a quick browse of the Amazon 

catalogue will demonstrate that the Audiobook will typically sell for 2x-3x the price of the 

regular book. This means that your $27 eBook quickly becomes a $47 Audiobook. 

Compile your PLR material in to a “Home Study” course with a series of printed course 

guides, slide based training videos on DVD and an audio CD (normally you can just lift 

the sound track from the video training to create the audio product).

Doing this means you now have a high value physical product that you could use as a 

high-ticket upsell on your website or at the end of your sales funnel. 

                      PLR Product Tree

Using PLR materials in the ways suggested in this short report gives you a wide range 

of options at different price points. You can use individual articles or excerpts from an 

eBook to create website, blog or newsletter content that you give away for free. 

You could also compile a collection of articles into a short report to sell at a low price 

point such as $7. You could buy and simply resell a PLR ebook or record yourself 

reading the ebook to create a higher value audio product ($27-37 value). 

Additionally you could use the same material and a slide show application (like 

Microsoft’s PowerPoint or Appple’s Keynote) to create a sleek looking video training 

product ($47-97). 

Finally you could combine all of these methods and create a Home Study course

delivered on DVD or multiple CD-Roms for $197 or much much more!

            Private Label Rights Profits

Purchasing and repurposing PLR material is a great way of quickly adding content to 

your online presence and of turning round new products at high speed. A highly 

profitable strategy ideally suited to PLR material is Niche Mining.

Before deciding to commit your valuable time, energy and resources to a new market a 

great strategy is to purchase a relevant PLR material and test the market 

responsiveness. This way you can quickly determine if a market is open to new 

products without spending a huge amount of time creating a new product. 

Purchasing a low cost but reasonable quality report and giving this away as a list builder 

allows you to enter a market cheaply and to start building that all important list of 

subscribers. All you need is a squeeze page and an auto-responder like Aweber.com. 

Use the auto-responder to deliver the free report and then sequence a series of emails 

offering a mix of additional great content and of course some enticing products for sale!



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